Water ATM
Since 'Sakarbai' water became polluted, drinking water has been purchased from the so-called water ATM, installed behind the main square of Pravah.
The ATM purifies the water from the Sakarbai well and sells it at cost of 10 INR (about 0.12 Euro) for 20 liters. The money collected is managed directly by villagers for operation and maintenance works of the ATM machine. This water is used for drinking purposes, however some villagers (the wealthiest and mostly belonging to the Maratha caste), use it also for cooking as well.
While being the purest water available, many villagers say that it tastes 'strange' and remember how old Sakarbai’s water used to be much richer, sweeter and purer.

...from the Sakarbai well...

...to the
water ATM.
I flow,
you see through me.
Until I'm contained,
and murky.
Sold for a fee.